
LCI is a non-profit cooperative of libraries that share an integrated library system and other technological innovations to add value through collaboration.
Avon Free Public Library
Avon Free Public Library
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library
Enfield Public Library
Enfield Public Library
Enfield Public Library
Farmington Libraries
Farmington Libraries, Barney Library
Granby Public Library
Granby Public Library
F.H. Cossitt Library, Granby
Middletown, Russell Library
Middletown, Russell Library
Middletown, Russell Library
Raymond Library, East Hartford
Raymond Library, East Hartford
Raymond Library, East Hartford
Noah Webster Library, West Hartford
News & Updates
RFP for New Integrated Library System And Discovery Layer
LCI invites interested vendors to submit a proposal in response to the RFP for an integrated library system and/or discovery layer.
LCI Libraries Continue to Go Fine Free
24 LCI libraries, three-quarters of our membership, are now fine free! Interested in making your library fine free? Check out LCI’s Fine-Free Policies Report for more information.
Automated Renewals in Library Connection
30 libraries in LCI, about 94% of the membership, have now implemented automated renewals. This service automatically renews items for patrons a few days prior to the due date, unless the item has reached its renewal limit or has holds on it.