About Library Connection, Inc.
What is LCI?

Library Connection, Inc. (LCI) is a non-profit cooperative of 32 public and academic libraries that share an integrated library system and other technological innovations to improve the delivery of services.
What does LCI do for libraries?
LCI provides libraries with:
- A shared, integrated library system for circulation, cataloging, serials check-in, academic reserves, and more
- Automated and customizable reports for circulation statistics, database cleanup, collection management, efficient hold fulfillment, and more
- A large shared collection of downloadable ebooks, audio books, and magazines that is fully integrated into the online catalog
- An acquisitions and cataloging process that enables member libraries to purchase materials and download temporary vendor records that are updated by LCI when the items are received
- The ability to share collections quickly and easily via an efficient method of InterLibrary Loan that can be initiated by patrons or staff and an efficient transit system to deliver materials among libraries
- Email patron notifications
- Group purchases of databases, software, and equipment
- Staff expertise, training, consultation, troubleshooting, and customization services
What does LCI do for patrons?
LCI makes it easy for patrons to:
- Search LCI's online public catalog to find library and downloadable materials both in an individual library and throughout the consortium
- Search databases to find citations and full-text articles on a wealth of topics (business, health, current events, etc.)
- Place holds on the materials of any member public library and have them delivered to their home library for pickup
- Review and manage their accounts, including holds, checkouts, and renewals at all LCI libraries
Where can libraries get more information about LCI?
All general inquiries can be sent to contact@libraryconnection.info.